John Deere 6M 6150M -
6,8 | 2015 - |
6M - 6150M (2015 - ..)
Frequently asked questions
Performance optimization results
Original After the modification Difference
Engine power (Specific) 148 HP 0 HP + -148 HP

Price includes

  • Power Testing Service before and after modification (extra charge)
  • performance measurement protocol (extra charge)
  • machine diagnostics
  • SW control
  • backup of the original SW
  • individual adjustment of your machine


  • two years on the control unit and software
  • lifetime warranty on software

Frequently asked questions

No, it is not. SW modifications are legal, completely.

We offer our product at comparable prices to our competitors. Our pros are:

1) 30 Day Trial Period

2) Lifetime Guarantee

3) We do an individual SW modification based on customer needs

4) No standardized or generic SW modifications one-fits-all.


Unfortunately, not yourself. Only our SW technician can do it. However, we are available 24/7 to find the right solution, give us a call anytime.

Tune is safe, synchronizes and balances the entire system via Can-Bus communication system, offers better fuel economy, brings the torque curve back to the “sweet-spot“ and provides higher torque at lower RPMs.

AgroEcoPower LLC began operations in the Midwest in 2014. The mother company in Europe was founded in 1999. We have a long history and 100,000+ tunes realized globally and 6,000+ in the USA and Canada. Our satisfied customers are always the utmost priority. We are ready to help you 24/7.

We appreciate any recommendations or tips you can give us and would be happy to pay you a fair commission. Contact our team for more information.

We focus purely on AG machines, semi-trucks and construction or handling equipment. In case of an individual question, please contact us.

Sure. We can provide you with referrals in your area. We are proud to have many happy customers in Midwest region.

We can do them, however, we are purely focused on AG machines and semi-truck.

Yes, we are always open to our customers and we do not want to risk our reputation. In addition, we offer you a 30-day trial period with money-back guarantee.

Each SW modification is a specific and individual performed by SW engineers in our development center. We will always tune the original SW downloaded from your machine. AgroEcoPower LLC does not offer any generic or universal SW modification.

We provide you with a 30-day trial period. You can test your machine in the field and then decide.

If you do not feel / do not like the difference, we can return it to the original.

If required, we can measure the current performance of the machine on a certified ATX dyno station for a fee.


Our SW modification is exactly the same as at the manufacturer. That's why you are always safe with our product.

We always follow the recommendations of our SW development center and do not exceed the manufacturer's limits. We always keep performance at a safe range. The main advantage is the available data based on 20+ years of experience in SW modifications.

We always follow manufacturers´and our European R&D centre´s recommendations. We always keep HP within the given range. Also DYNO
allows us to measure the tractors power output on site.

We also use AgroEcoPower App which data is based on 18 years experience in the SW modification industry

We always follow the recommendations of our SW development center and do not exceed the manufacturer's limits. If this happens exceptionally, we can easily find and fix it.

Our SW modification is exactly the same as at the manufacturer. That's why you are always safe with our product.

Thanks to our coverage, we are able to arrive within about 4 hours, if necessary. We normally plan 2-3 weeks in advance.

We have already tuned 100,000+ machines worldwide, and it has never happened. We always follow the recommendations of our SW development center and do not exceed the manufacturer's limits.

Before tuning, make sure that your engine is in good condition, in which case you do not have to worry.


It depends on your driving style. You can either drive it a couple gears higher with the same speed to get better fuel economy or you can use the
power to drive faster with the same fuel consumption.

In most cases, they can't, but if you want to be 100% sure, we can return the SW to its original version before dealer inspection. We'll retune it then at no charge.

This may affect your warranty if the dealer finds the tuning. However, we are editing your current SW version, which means serial number / SW version number remains the same. In most cases, dealer can't find that, but if you want to be 100% sure, we can return the SW to its original version before dealer inspection. We'll retune it then at no charge.

The tuned ECU communicates with the rest of the engine via the Can-Bus communication system, all other components (clutch / gearbox / turbo, etc.) are synchronized with each other and function as a whole.

In addition, our SW modifications allow you to operate the machine at lower RPMs with unchanged power, which allows you to reduce the effort of other components.


Yes, we do. The company has a long history in software modification.

The tune does not involve any mechanical interference in the engine. We offer SW modification, namely reprogramming of EPROM (Erasable
Programmable Read-Only Memory), that is an electronic memory block with a serial program in ECU (Electronic Control Unit). The advantage is
that the reprogrammed ECU “is aware“ of its reprogramming, thus CAN bus communication is not affected. Therefore, for instance, if on-line fuel
consumption was monitored, it did not compromise the real data.

SW modifications optimally adjust injection parameters, air-fuel ratio, injection duration, fuel amount and also the torque limiter. Using such SW
modifications, the performance of turbo diesel engines can be increased by 5-30% and torque by 5-25%. Also the torque curve has a better
performance in the low- to mid-speed range. The reduction in fuel consumption can be up to 5-18%.

Yes, we can. We have our own certified ATX dyno station. A necessary condition for power measuring is an available PTO shaft. We offer this measurement for a fee.

We offer a 2-year software warranty and a lifetime reinstallation guarantee. Just give us a call and our technicians will come and retune your SW for free.

The manufacturer usually offers one model line of vehicles with the same engine components but with different power, which means that they actually modify their machines in the same way, but in a different price range.

To preserve the life of your vehicle. It all depends on the specific vehicle. We always follow the recommendations of our SW development center and do not exceed the manufacturer's limits.

It depends on your driving style. You can either drive at the same speed a few gears higher for better fuel economy, or you can use added power with the same fuel consumption. During tuning process, our technicians will provide you with detailed information on how to utilize the maximum efficiency of your machine. Reduction of fuel consumption can be up to 18%.

Tuning does not involve any mechanical modifications to the engine. We offer software modifications by reprogramming EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), it is an electronic memory block with a serial program in the ECU (Electronic Control Unit).

The advantage is that the reprogrammed ECU "knows" about its reprogramming, so it does not affect the communication of the entire Can-Bus system. Therefore, for example, in the case of fuel injection, true data is always provided.

SW modifications optimally adjust the injection parameters, the air-fuel ratio, the injection time, the amount of fuel and also the torque limiter. With our SW modification, we can increase the power of your engine up to 30% and torque up to 25%. The torque curve is also rebalanced and provides the performance in the range of low to medium RPMs. Reduction of fuel consumption can be up to 18%